The Deadly Diarrhoea

I woke up in a bathtub in a dark room. My mind was hazy. How did I get here? What led me to this place? What will happen next? What will become of me? I kept asking myself these questions until four boys, all about 10, wearing baggy brown clothes, walked into the room chanting, "Shrim... Shrim... Shrim..." I was scared out of my mind. What was this? Who are these people? What will happen next?
I never expected what would happen next.
The four kids sat on opposite ends of the toilet, two on each side, and lifted up the back of their baggy clothes. I was extremely horrified. Were they going to do what I think they were going to do?
They did.
Out of their arses, they shot out hot, foamy, brown, smooth and chunky diarrhoea. I screamed in terror. Why are they doing this to me? What did I do wrong?
"Relax," said a voice, "Let the foamy brown mess wash over you. There is nothing to fear."
Now I was more scared than ever before. Suddenly, I felt something not right in my left foot. I lifted up my leg and saw the most horrifying thing I have ever seen.
I screamed in terror yet again. "Relax," the voice said again, "We're not murdering you." I let out a sigh of relief.
"We're murdering your entire family."
Suddenly, the lights went on, and there I saw my mother, my father, and my baby sister chained up to the wall.
"MOM! DAD! LISA!" I screamed.
"Brian!" screamed my mom as two more boys appeared and lifted up their clothes, "Even in death, we will always love you!"
I started to cry. Just seeing my whole family there, knowing that after this, I will never see them again, and the fact that I will see them murdered right in front of me, and knowing that poor old Lisa will never have a future was just too much for me.
"Dissolve their bones," said the voice.
I will never forget the way my mon screamed as the diarrhoea hit her face, dissolving her brains, the way my dad screamed as the diarrhoea hit him in the chest, dissolving his vital organs, and the way Lisa cried when the diarrhora dissolved her in five seconds flat.
"You know, Brian," said the voice as the diarrhoea dissolved both my feet, "I think we should take this up a notch. Don't you?" He forcefully nodded my head with his hands.
"OK then," he said, "Give Mr Brian a nice, painful, slow death and don't dissolve his bones," said the voice to the boys on the tub. "As for you boys," he said to the two (now six) boys standing where my family used to be, "Dissolve his house. No, dissolve New York. I want to see his city disappear right before his eyes."
I screamed even louder than before as the boys shot their diarrhoea at the walls of my apartment, slowly dissolving them and my neighbours. Their screams were absolutely horrifying.
Then the strangest thing happened. My bathtub and the boys sitting on it started to fly.
"Now," said the voice, "Let's watch this marvellous event from above, Brian. I know you'll enjoy it."
The boys in the street started shooting their diarrhoea at the houses beside mine, dissolving them and the people inside it, bone and all. Then, they moved to my street's block, flooding it with diarrhoea and dissolving everything on it, including the street itself.
"Isn't this just marvellous?" said the voice as the diarrhoea dissolved my ankles.
The boys then headed to Washington Square Park, shooting their diarrhoea from the fountain, dissolving the trees, the people, the arch, and even the entire NYU campus.
Finally, two of them headed to the World Trade Center, two of them headed to Times Square, and two of them went to the Empire Stathe Building, shooting their diarrhoea all over Manhattan and the boroughs, toppling the buildings, destroying the landmarks, dissolving the people, and causing mind-scarring screams that will haunt me forever.
"Wasn't that just marvellous?" said the voice as the diarrhoea dissolved my entire lower half. "Why don't we dissolve the entire United States?"
I screamed even louder as I heard the fans at Dodger Stadium scream as they were dissolved by diarrhoea, the President scream in a monotone voice as he and Washington, DC get dissolved and destroyed, all the murderers in Chicago praying to God that they will survive the diarrhoea, and, quite possibly the one that touched me the most, my girlfriend screaming for my name as she got dissolved.
"No more..." I said as the diarrhoea dissolved half of my torso, "No more..."
"Oh, and one more thing..." said the voice.
We zoomed out to a view of the Earth from space.
What the boys did next was the most horrifying thing I have ever seen someone do.
The six boys all squirted diarrhoea on the world, causing worldwide screams of "WHY?!" and "HELP ME, GOD!" and "I LOVE YOU!".
"Just think about it," said the voice as the diarrhoea dissolved all of my torso, "All those men and women who will never see their families again, the kids who will never have any futures, the people who's ideas will never be shared with the world..."
I burst out in tears. "Please don't cry," said the voice, "It only makes the diarrhoea stronger."
I couldn't take this anymore. I wanted to die. I couldn't stand all this screaming and crying, so, just as my life flashed before my eyes, I dove underwater, dissolving the rest of me.
And I died.